Then, my next step was to retrieve a few bookshelves from the hallway. Long story short, last year was my first year in this room (and school), and it was formerly a room for special education grades 3-5). I had a struggle trying to find kindergarten furniture (if you want to see what I mean, check last August's posts). This year, I had friends who were 'casting off' some bookshelves, and I was 'scooping up' them up. I planned to try a new arrangement, and I wanted to have all of the furniture I was going to actually have for the year in the room before I started to drastically move anything.
I went down the hallway, and 1-by-1 retrieved the 3 bookshelves. I had brought with me those "as-seen-on-TV" furniture do-dads that you slide under the furniture, and used those under the shelves so that I wouldn't scratch the newly waxed floor (and I'm sure you ALL know what I'm talking about).
So...after all my efforts, this is how my room looked after 4 1/2 hours. One of the issues with fibromyalgia is that activity like today, instead of making me a little worn out and perhaps a little sweaty, wipes me out completely and leaves me in some serious pain. So, I left mid-thought and mid-stream. It was if all of a sudden I hit the wall, and I know from experience that there is no remedy besides rest and pain meds. Ugh. Ugh. and Ugh.
So, I hobble to my car and off I go back home. After being at home for about 30 minutes (as I wait for the pain meds to start to take effect) I decide to check my school email. Not a good idea. The very first email was from my principal to the entire staff, expressing concerns that "people" were moving bookshelves in the halls and scratching up the floors which the custodial staff had been working hard on all summer. He said it very kindly and used very "general" terms, but I knew. The "people" was actually a "person"--me. It was me, and I feel terrible. I was trying to be SO careful, and yet I apparently left scratches up and down the hall, leading to my room. *note--for those of you who are thinking, "Oh, maybe you are mistaken...", sadly, I'm not. I immediately responded to my principal's email, and he replied and confirmed it was indeed me.
So, I've now emailed the principal and the head custodian, feeling awful. Here it is not even the first day of this new school year, and I've managed to do something stupid (a rookie mistake). Ugh. Ugh. DOUBLE Ugh. I guess I'm going to go back tomorrow morning to eat some more crow. And if any of you out there see those "As seen on TV" furniture sliders...don't let anyone convince you to try them on YOUR school's newly waxed and buffed floors. Learn from me (not sure what lesson it is...just learn it! :))